TDK-Lambda - Case Study
TDK-Lambda are world leaders in the development and production of medical and industrial power supplies. As well as producing their corporate website, we have also been tasked with developing a site dedicated to the publication of their regular news articles and press releases.
The challenge
Our client had been relying on an off-the-shelf WordPress solution that had become long in the tooth. It wasn’t responsive, it looked dated and it had started to creek under the weight of years and years worth of posts.
The solution
Go Tripod has designed and developed a new website from the ground up, perfectly tailored to TDK-Lambda’s needs. The new website still utilises WordPress but the underlying templates have been brought bang up to date and the website’s feature-set has been extended to accommodate, for example, an events calendar.
The results
As part of the redevelopment process Go Tripod have transferred the website to a dedicated WordPress hosting platform to improve the site’s security and facilitate future updates in a version controlled environment. Improvements in the website’s layout and navigation tools have resulted in a product that better serves its audience and better reflects TDK-Lambda’s business.
Our involvement in this project included the following:
- Website design
- CMS integration (WordPress)
- Custom WordPress development
- Website hosting
We made use of these technologies along the way:
- jQuery
- Twig
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