Learning Ext JS Second Edition Now Available
The second edition of the book written by Shea Frederick, Steve “Cutter” Blades, Nigel White and myself is now available for purchase. Learning Ext JS covers version 3.2+ of the Ext JS JavaScript framework and will give developers who are new to the framework a head-start in creating high-quality rich applications.
The second edition updates the existing content for the latest Ext JS version, and adds new chapters to cover the newest components available in Ext JS 3.2. Go Tripod have been working with Ext JS to create exciting web applications for a number of enterprise customers and our Ext JS consultancy service is proving increasingly popular.
Working on Learning Ext JS was a pleasure and a privilege for me and I’d like to thank Packt, my co-authors, and the developers of Ext JS. Hopefully our customers will continue to be eager for applications in this excellent framework – I’m looking forward to continue working with it in future!

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