A new look for Go Tripod
One of the problems with being a small, independent software development agency is that we’re usually so busy on client projects that we don’t often get much time to devote to our own business needs.
To this end our own website has languished as a glorified holding page for quite some time. But no longer!
Today, with some helpful input and invaluable guidance from creative gurus Curious Ways, we’ve been able to launch a new look Go Tripod website.
In the true spirit of agile development, this initial launch covers the bare minimum content and functionality we deemed necessary. This includes a homepage that briefly outlines our business offerings, a contact page and all our previous blog posts. We’ll be extending our new website to include case studies, portfolio pieces and more information on our services in good time. So, watch this space.
In the process of redesigning our website, we’ve also rebranded our company and plan to roll these changes out to our various social media accounts and other corporate channels over the next few days.
We’re the same company on the inside, but with a fresh new look on the outside.

Got an idea for a project?
Need a website? Web-enabled software to streamline your business? Just some advice?